Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I journal.. just not daily.. or even monthly.. yearly?

It has been a long time since I wrote on this medium as Facebook seems to meet my need for instant venting and input of stimulus... However, I started this for a reason and I intend to follow through.
In our house, we have proven lately, that "failure only occurs when you stop trying or give up completely". My stubbornness has been as good for me as it has been bad. But I believe I have finally figured out its purpose and how to use it effectively. Thanks to my beautiful wife's love and encouragement, I have accomplished more for myself in the last few years than I feel I ever have.
The goals I have set so far, have been achieved. I wanted to test myself. To see if I was actually the agricultural, back-to-the-lander that I believed myself to be. In the last year I have successfully completed hunter's education and fire arms safety, gone hunting, field dressed and helped butcher a deer; started to regain my yoga practices (even though it remains infrequent, I refer to my previous quote about failure); helped our boys step up their games in both school and daily life in a consistent and measurable way (Kalen on the honor role and Kai in love with school and learning - both of them a joy to be around with their own perspectives and amazing personalities); creating a happy healthy loving home with a family that really connects and enjoys life; a marriage that is constantly evolving and growing to become something I had once hoped for; and the ability to look after what I need for my health and sanity through the craziness that life seems to be.
Now, every where I have used "I" in the previous paragraph is completely dependent on one thing.. harmony with my wife and a love for life. Two things that have been necessary to achieve the successes that I enjoy right now. Thank you, April, for your hard work and hard head and always being committed to raising the bar no matter how much it may hurt or how difficult it may seems. I have no successes without you.
My current projects include a greenhouse... a monster greenhouse in fact. A direct result of a hailstorm that decimated our entire harvest last year... I never thought lost crops would affect me so, until I put my heart, soul and expectation in to them. The greenhouse will be 19x10ft and will be ready for future heating and aquaponics projects to extend my growing season and makes us way more sustainable than we are now. Also, I will be attaching a chicken coop to the greenhouse for multiple benefits. Soon, we will get a massive portion of our food from our little urban farm.
I am also really excited to be taking my "Permaculture design certificate" course in March. This will hopefully begin a new path in my life that will lead to new successes and triumphs.

Blessings to you all.


  1. Glad to hear your family is doing well. And I'm very interested to hear how your urban farm takes shape. Sounds exciting!

  2. Thanks, Shay
    I am really interested to see how it takes shape as well.... ;)
